Natural therapies are part of a broad range of complementary and alternative medicines and therapies (CAM). Natural therapies include supplements (vitamins, minerals and fish oils), herbal medicine (tea, tablets and liquids) and nutrition. CAM also includes things like relaxation, mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, acupuncture and yoga.
Many people use natural therapies to improve their physical health and emotional wellbeing. A recent study showed that over a 12 month period, 75% of adults in Australia used at least one type of CAM. Another study showed that about 63% of people used a CAM practitioner and 48% used vitamin or mineral supplements.
In 2020, people in Australia spent about $5.6 billion on complementary medicines and therapies to help manage chronic disease and improve health and wellbeing. But, despite the high use of CAM, a large women’s health survey showed that more than 70% of women in Australia know little about the safety and effectiveness of natural therapies.
Learn more about natural therapies, including supplements (vitamins, minerals and fish oil) and herbal medicine used to treat health conditions. We’ll also cover the safety and effectiveness of natural therapies to help you make informed decisions.
Read more about how natural therapies can be used to treat symptoms of menopause, endometriosis, PCOS and anxiety.
This content has been reviewed by a group of medical subject matter experts, in accordance with Jean Hailes policy.
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