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Indigenous resources

Jean Hailes has worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their health professionals to develop resources that are culturally appropriate, relevant and accessible. They are free and available to download and order.

The resources include:

  • educational toolkits to support health professionals and other health workers to deliver health education to women and girls
  • booklets for women and girls
  • animations for women and girls.

They've been developed in partnership with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services, Aboriginal Medical Services and other organisations working with First Nations people around Australia. We have commissioned artwork and illustrations by First Nations artists and designers.

Educational toolkit for health workers

This toolkit has been designed to help health professionals and other health workers deliver education about periods and the menstrual cycle.

Booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls

Animation for Aboriginal women and girls
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Educational toolkit for health workers

This toolkit has been designed to help health professionals and other health workers deliver education about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to Aboriginal women.

Booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls

Animations for Aboriginal women and girls
What is PCOS?

How to stay healthy with PCOS
Health checks
Educational toolkit for health workers

Booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls
Translated resources
Periods information in Central Arrernte

Periods booklet Central Arrernte (PDF 1MB)

Periods animation in Central Arrernte:
PCOS information Central Arrernte
Polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS booklet Central Arrernte (PDF 2MB)

What is PCOS? animation in Central Arrernte:

How to stay healthy with PCOS animation in Central Arrernte:

Ordering print resources

Print copies of the English educational toolkits and booklets are available via the Jean Hailes shop. Educational toolkits are limited to 1 per person. Please email [email protected] if you need more than one copy, but please note we may not be able to fulfill your request.

Translated booklets are currently only available online. To order print booklets in Central Arrernte, please send us an email.