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Health topics


Learn about anx­i­ety, the symp­toms, caus­es, how to man­age the con­di­tion and where you can get help.
Woman sitting looking aside


Learn about the blad­der and pelvic floor mus­cles, and con­di­tions that affect the blad­der such as uri­nary incontinence.
Women holding bladder area

Bone health

Learn how to look after your bones and reduce the risk of devel­op­ing osteoporosis.
A woman jogging on the beach


Learn more about the bow­el, how it works, good bow­el health and when to see your doctor.
A toilet roll

Breast health

Learn more about breasts, com­mon breast con­di­tions and impor­tant health checks.


Learn more about endometrio­sis, includ­ing the symp­toms, caus­es and treatments.
A woman holding a hot water bottle on her stomach

Healthy ageing

How to look after your phys­i­cal and men­tal health as you age.
Mature woman smiling

Health checks

Learn about key health mea­sures and impor­tant health checks for women at dif­fer­ent stages of your life..
A doctor checking a patient's heartbeat

Heart health

Learn about car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, the addi­tion­al risk fac­tors for women and how you can look after your heart.
A woman preparing food in the kitchen


Learn about menopause, the symp­toms, caus­es, man­age­ment options and where you can get help.
A woman working on a laptop

Natural therapies

What is nat­ur­al ther­a­py’, com­ple­men­tary ther­a­py’, com­ple­men­tary med­i­cine’ and alter­na­tive therapy’?
A woman reading the label of a bottle of supplements

Nutrition and healthy living

Eat­ing and drink­ing for good health, includ­ing impor­tant nutri­ents and how to main­tain a healthy weight.
Nutritionist with patient and fruits and vegetables

Ovaries and uterus

Con­di­tions and med­ical pro­ce­dures relat­ed to your ovaries and uterus, includ­ing ade­no­myosis, fibroids, cysts, polyps and cancers.
Vulva booklet illustration

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS symp­toms, caus­es, health risks and treat­ments. Plus prac­ti­cal ways to improve your phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al health.
Group of women arm in arm


The men­stru­al cycle, what to expect dur­ing your peri­od, peri­od prod­ucts and con­di­tions relat­ed to your period.
A pen circling a date on a calendar

Persistent pelvic pain

How it devel­ops, where you can get help, and what you can do to man­age your pain.
A woman resting on the couch in pain

Sex and sexual health

Signs of a healthy (and unhealthy) sex­u­al rela­tion­ship and how to enjoy sex through­out your life.
Two set of feet in a bed


Why sleep is impor­tant, how to improve your sleep, com­mon sleep prob­lems and when to see your doctor.
A woman sleeping on a bed

Vulva and vagina

Vul­val care, how to treat vul­val irri­ta­tion and con­di­tions that can affect your vul­va and vagina.
Group of women smiling

This con­tent has been reviewed by a group of med­ical sub­ject mat­ter experts, in accor­dance with Jean Hailes pol­i­cy.