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Menopause is when you have your final period. Your periods stop because your ovaries don’t release eggs any more.

Menopause can happen naturally, at the expected age or early. Your periods can also stop unexpectedly due to premature ovarian insufficiency, surgery or cancer treatment.

Perimenopause is the stage before menopause, when your ovaries are running out of eggs. During this time, you might start experiencing symptoms of menopause, such as hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings.

Management and treatment of menopausal symptoms will depend on your stage of life, relationships and general health and wellbeing. You can try different things to relieve your symptoms. For example, healthy living, complementary therapies, menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and some prescription medications.

Learn more about menopause, the symptoms, causes, management options and where you can get help.

Menopause (your final period) happens to most women. In Australia, the average age of menopause is 51 years, but it’s normal to have menopause anywhere between 45 and 55 years – although some women have it at an earlier or later age. Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause, and postmenopause is the time after your final period. Read more

Menopause can cause a range of physical and emotional changes, such as hot flushes, vaginal changes and mood swings. Every woman will have a different experience. Read more

Menopause happens when your reproductive hormones change and there are no eggs left in your ovaries. Menopause can happen at the expected age, prematurely or early. Read more

Premature menopause is when your final period happens before the age of 40 years. Early menopause is when your final period happens between the ages of 40 and 45. Up to 8% of women have had their final period by the time they are 45. This percentage is likely to be higher if we include menopause caused by surgery and cancer treatment. Read more

There are many ways to manage and treat menopausal symptoms, depending on your own unique experience. You might try different options before finding a treatment that works for you. It’s important to seek accurate and reliable information before you start any treatment. Many women cope with mild menopausal symptoms and don't need to take any medication or use therapies. Some women manage their symptoms with a healthy lifestyle, such as eating well and doing regular exercise. Other women with symptoms that affect their quality of life might choose to use medicines and therapies. Your doctor will consider your individual situation and explain different treatment options so you can make an informed decision. For example, they may discuss: your symptomsany risk factorsyour options, including menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), the most effective treatment, non-hormonal therapies and complementary therapies. Read more

Learn more about common symptoms of menopause and different treatment options. Read more

Women have commonly used medicinal herbs to manage menopausal symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. Herbs may be used to manage symptoms of menopause including hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, insomnia (sleeplessness), fatigue, sexual dysfunction and vaginal dryness. The use of herbs in menopause is based on longstanding traditional use, some of which is supported by scientific evidence (available below). However, more research is needed regarding the effectiveness and safety of herbal therapies for the management of menopausal symptoms. Read more

During menopause, it’s important to look after yourself. Healthy lifestyle choices will help to improve physical and emotional symptoms at every stage of menopause. Read more

When your partner goes through menopause, different hormonal changes will affect their body, health, energy levels and mood. They may also have different emotions about coming to the end of their reproductive years. While every woman’s experience is different, it’s a good idea to learn about menopause and related symptoms so you can support them through this time. Read more

This con­tent has been reviewed by a group of med­ical sub­ject mat­ter experts, in accor­dance with Jean Hailes pol­i­cy.