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Dr Pav Nanayakkara

Dr Pav Nanayakkara

MBBS/BMedSc (Hons) FRANZCOG MRMed (Excellence) AGES AATP


    Melbourne CBD (Wednesday)
Dr Pav Nanayakkara

Dr Pav is an Advanced Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgeon with specialisation in endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage, abnormal uterine bleeding and complex hysterectomy using laparoscopic and robotic approaches.

Pav acquired her medical degree at Monash University, Melbourne which included an honours year in research as a RANZCOG Research Foundation Scholar. She undertook her internship and residency at The Alfred Hospital prior to her Obstetrics and Gynaecology training at The Royal Women’s Hospital. Pav completed a 2.5 year AGES-accredited fellowship in advanced minimally invasive surgery at Epworth Hospital.

Pav works through Jean Hailes Women’s Health and operates at Epworth Freemasons. She is also one of the consultant surgeons with the Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Unit and a Clinical Lead of the Ambulatory Gynaecology Unit at The Royal Women’s Hospital. She is a RANZCOG training supervisor and has received national awards for her work in mentorship, wellbeing, teaching and research.

Pav is passionate about Women’s Health and is a founder of “The Birth Bundle Project”, an initiative providing medical supplies to hospitals in developing countries. She is a strong believer in the value of education, both of future and current medical practitioners, and also in empowering her patients to make informed decisions. Pav has facilitated health professional courses, developed simulation programs, created online educational tools and is actively involved in media engagement as a platform to improve health literacy.

In her spare time, Pav loves cooking, travelling, hiking and going on adventures with her three wonderful children.

Gynaecologist serviceFeeMedicare rebate
Initial consultation$300$98.95
New referral consultation$210$98.95
Review consultation$180$49.75

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, please call us. If you're a new patient you'll need a referral.

(03) 9562 7555