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Buckwheat porridge with stewed pears & cinnamon

Buckwheat may look and seem like a grain, but they are actually seeds and not at all related to wheat. With almonds, linseeds and other nutritious ingredients, this recipe makes for a protein-rich and sustaining breakfast.

  • B Breakfast
  • DF Dairy free
  • GF Gluten free
  • Ve Vegan
  • VG Vegetarian
  • S Sweet
  • GUT Gut-healthy
  • Prep time 5 mins
  • Cook Time 5 mins
  • Serves 1
  • Difficulty easy


  1. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl, cover with milk, stir to combine.
  2. Soak overnight in fridge to soften.
  3. In the morning, cook in a small saucepan for 3-5 minutes over low heat until creamy, stirring regularly to avoid the mixture sticking.
  4. Add syrup from stewed pears and extra milk if needed.
  5. Serve with the stewed pears.
  6. To prepare the pears, place sliced pears in saucepan with cinnamon, cover with enough water to make desired amount of syrup.
  7. Simmer on low heat, with lid on, for 3-5 minutes until pears are tender but still formed.

Tip: This quantity of pears is enough for about four serves for the porridge, so they can be made in advance, stored in fridge and added to porridge in the morning.

Nutritional information

By Jean Hailes naturopath and herbalist Sandra Villella

Buckwheat kernels can be bought at health food stores or from the health food aisle in some supermarkets. They may look and seem like a grain, but are actually seeds from the buckwheat plant, and not at all related to wheat.

Buckwheat is gluten free and has a lovely nutty texture. It has a low glycaemic index (GI), which means it can help to balance your blood sugars and energy levels. As a breakfast, it can help you avoid a mid-morning energy slump.

Buckwheat is a particularly good source of plant-based protein and, combined with the almonds, linseeds and milk here, makes for a protein-rich and sustaining breakfast. It's also a good source of fibre (for healthy bowels), minerals and other nutrients and antioxidants.

The linseeds are also an excellent source of fibre, healthy fats and phytoestrogens.

It's no wonder that buckwheat is receiving increasing attention as a nutritious food. So buck up your morning with this delicious, warm and wholesome breakfast!