When Tracey contracted genital herpes, the physical effects were horrendous. But the emotional ones were worse: “Even now, 9 years on, I’m gutted,” she says in this Q&A.

Today we're tackling taboos and challenging the uncomfortable. Meet the women who have faced their health fears head-on and let's spread the word that shame and stigma have no place in health care.
When it comes to women’s health, shame and stigma are unwelcome guests. Tune in to hear how women are challenging the negatives.
Right now, I think the biggest taboo in women's health is sexually transmitted infections (STIs)."
Dr Sarah White, Jean Hailes CEO
Tune in as we chat light bladder leakage with beloved comedian Denise Scott. What is ‘LBL’ and, importantly, how do you stop it?
Getting an STI check can feel daunting if you don’t know what to expect. Here’s the low-down so you can get checked with confidence.
No one should have to suffer in silence with heavy periods. Learn about the symptoms, treatment options and when to see a doctor.
Many women feel ashamed about how their genitals look. But Jean Hailes Gynaecologist Dr Pav Nanayakkara tells ABC News that labia and vulvas come in "all colours, shapes and sizes".
Sex and sexuality can be difficult topics to discuss – especially if you have concerns about bladder or bowel control. Here the Continence Foundation of Australia shares their tips and advice.